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Anti-infringement Terms

In order to maintain a healthy, fair, and compliant market environment, Dtop Universal Carnival has formulated the following anti-infringement terms. These terms aim to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the platform, users, and partners, prevent infringement, and maintain market order. By clearly listing prohibited behaviors and their corresponding legal consequences, the platform aims to enhance users' respect for and awareness of intellectual property rights while providing a safe and reliable trading platform.


Please read and comply with these terms carefully. Any actions you take on the Dtop Universal Carnival platform, including but not limited to uploading content, selling goods, participating in transactions, offline promotion, and market expansion, indicate your agreement to and compliance with these regulations. Violation of these terms may result in corresponding disciplinary measures against your account, and serious offenders may face legal liability.


Anti-infringement Terms

1. Trademark Infringement

The complete trademark names of Dtop Universal Carnival is "Dtop Universal Carnival".

Any unauthorized use of trademarks, logos, or any obviously similar symbols may be considered trademark infringement. Dtop Universal Carnival platform prohibits any form of trademark infringement, including but not limited to using Dtop Universal Carnival trademarks for commercial activities without explicit permission. Prohibited actions include:

  • Selling, promoting, or advertising goods or services using trademarks without official authorization from Dtop Universal Carnival;

  • Manufacturing and selling trademarks similar to Dtop Universal Carnival's trademarks, which may cause confusion about goods or services;

  • Using Dtop Universal Carnival's trademarks on products manufactured without official authorization;

  • Modifying, forging, or abbreviating Dtop Universal Carnival's trademarks without authorization in a way that still maintains similarity to the original trademark;

  • Engaging in commercial activities under false identities or by impersonating Dtop Universal Carnival, such as false registration or false authorization;

  • Using Dtop Universal Carnival's trademarks for goods or services unrelated to their original field, which may mislead consumers;

  • Using Dtop Universal Carnival's trademarks or similar trademarks in advertisements, which may cause confusion or trademark infringement;

  • Tampering with, forging, or blurring Dtop Universal Carnival's trademarks to evade trademark law protection.

2. Damage to Brand Image/Reputation

  • Posting any content on Dtop Universal Carnival platform that may damage the reputation and image of the platform, other brands, or individuals is prohibited. This includes using defamatory, misleading, or insulting language to describe or comment on Dtop Universal Carnival brand, other brands, or individuals;

  • Posting false advertisements, promotional materials, or misleading information that exaggerates or falsely promotes Dtop Universal Carnival platform products or services, harming consumer interests and Dtop Universal Carnival brand reputation;

  • Posting false or untrue negative reviews, defamation, or smear campaigns, spreading false information that affects Dtop Universal Carnival brand image;

  • Unfairly comparing Dtop Universal Carnival brand with competitors, which may mislead consumers or have adverse effects;

  • Selling, promoting, or advertising products or services with quality issues that may result in consumer dissatisfaction and damage to the Dtop Universal Carnival brand image;

  • Promising services or product quality that fails to meet expected standards, leading to consumer disappointment and negative impact on the Dtop Universal Carnival brand reputation;

  • Spreading negative information or attacking brands on the Internet, causing adverse effects on the reputation of the Dtop Universal Carnival brand;

  • Engaging in practices that violate industry norms, operate against regulations, or engage in unfair competition, which may damage brand image and market reputation.

3. False Advertising
Dtop Universal Carnival requires all users, advertisers, and supply chains to provide true, accurate, and non-misleading product information and advertising content. Posting any false or exaggerated advertising materials is prohibited, including but not limited to:

  • Exaggerating or falsely describing the effects or efficacy of Dtop Universal Carnival products or services, causing consumer misunderstanding or excessive expectations;

  • Using false information, data, or cases in advertisements, causing consumer misunderstanding or making them believe that the actual situation matches the advertising description;

  • Promising false or unrealistic benefits or services to consumers that cannot actually be realized or meet expected standards;

  • Falsely claiming products have undergone certain quality certifications or standards testing without actual approval or verification from relevant organizations or departments;

  • Making unfair or inaccurate comparisons with competitors in advertising, misleading consumers, or distorting the market competitive environment;

  • Indicating false price discounts or promotions in advertisements that do not actually exist or have many conditions;

  • Creating false proofs or evaluations to deceive consumers or mislead the market's evaluation and perception of Dtop Universal Carnival products or services;

  • Falsely advertising sales data of Dtop Universal Carnival products or services to deceive consumers or deliberately hype the market;

  • Falsely advertising the reputation or history of the brand to gain undue benefits or mislead consumers.

4. Spreading Rumors/Defamation
The platform strictly prohibits spreading unconfirmed information, rumors, or engaging in defamation activities. These behaviors include, but are not limited to:

  • Spreading false or untrue messages related to Dtop Universal Carnival on social media, online forums, or other platforms to create public misunderstanding or negative impressions of Dtop Universal Carnival;

  • Intentionally making defamatory remarks or accusations, maliciously smearing the normal operation, management, or services of Dtop Universal Carnival, damaging its reputation and image;

  • Accusing Dtop Universal Carnival without factual basis or evidence, causing adverse effects;

  • Intentionally spreading rumors or false information unrelated to Dtop Universal Carnival, inciting public sentiment or causing adverse effects;

  • Intentionally making false complaints, reports, or complaints against Dtop Universal Carnival to damage its interests or reputation;

  • Distorting, misinterpreting, or exaggerating the business, policies, or actions of Dtop Universal Carnival, misleading public opinion;

  • Creating and disseminating propaganda materials, videos, or articles that defame Dtop Universal Carnival, spreading false information or negative reviews, and engaging in negative publicity against Dtop Universal Carnival;

  • Using false information or rumors to influence the market performance of Dtop Universal Carnival to seek personal or group benefits.

5. Market Order Interference/Market Rights Damage
Any attempt to manipulate market prices, monopolize markets, engage in illegal tying sales, or any other behavior that disrupts normal market order and competition is prohibited. Dtop Universal Carnival platform aims to maintain a fair and healthy market environment and will take strict disciplinary action against violations. Prohibited behaviors include but are not limited to:

  • Disrupting normal market competition order by manipulating market prices or monopolizing market resources, making it impossible for users to obtain fair prices;

  • Using fraud, false advertising, or blackening competitors' means to affect market fair competition environment and harm the legitimate interests of other operators;

  • Using illegal means to conduct marketing activities, publishing false or misleading advertisements/policies/activities, misleading users, or disrupting market price signals, causing market order chaos;

  • Promoting and selling Dtop Universal Carnival platform products or services through improper means, such as violating price regulations, manipulating sales data, etc., disrupting market order;

  • Obstructing other legitimate operators from entering the market through improper means, hindering market competition and fair development;

  • Using dominant market positions to impose unfair restrictions or requirements on other operators, disrupting the fair market competition environment;

  • Using means such as false information or malicious speculation to hype the market, affecting market price fluctuations, and disrupting market order;

  • Using false sales methods, such as false discounts, promotional methods, etc., to mislead users or unfairly compete with other operators;

  • Manipulating market prices, artificially creating price fluctuations, affecting the normal price formation mechanism of the market, and harming the interests of users and other operators.

6. Tying Sales
Any unauthorized bundling sales behavior without the consent of Dtop Universal Carnival is prohibited. For example: unauthorized bundling of additional sales conditions, packaging multiple products into package sales, packaging multiple services into package sales, forcibly attaching unauthorized services or terms, unauthorized bundling of additional discounts or discount packages, etc. All promotional sales must comply with Dtop Universal Carnival's official standards and clearly display the contents and prices of products or services to consumers, ensuring consumers' right to know and choose is not infringed.


Penalty Measures

To ensure the normal operation of Dtop Universal Carnival platform and maintain a healthy market environment, if Dtop Universal Carnival determines that you may be involved in or generate any potential behaviors related to the above term, Dtop Universal Carnival platform will take various measures to protect the rights and interests of the platform, users, or partners. Actions that may be taken include but are not limited to:

  1. First-time or minor violations may result in issuing a formal warning. Warnings are intended to inform relevant parties of their behavior and prompt them to correct it. Warnings are usually recorded in the user's account history for future reference;

  2. For accounts suspected of serious violations, Dtop Universal Carnival platform may freeze their operating permissions, close, suspend, or restrict your access to your account or services;

  3. For accounts confirmed to have committed major violations, especially those involving fraud, repeated infringement, or actions that seriously harm the interests of other users, Dtop Universal Carnival platform will permanently ban the account. Ban measures include permanently prohibiting access and use of platform services and deleting all related listings and content;

  4. For users who affect the reputation of Dtop Universal Carnival platform or violate regulations multiple times, Dtop Universal Carnival may downgrade them;

  5. Where applicable, violators may be required to compensate for the direct losses caused by their violations. This includes compensation to affected brands or individuals and possible legal fees;

  6. For users, supply chains, or partners who seriously or persistently violate the terms, Dtop Universal Carnival may refuse to provide services to them now and in the future, terminate all cooperation with them, and prohibit any future commercial interactions;

  7. If Dtop Universal Carnival platform believes that you may be involved in potential fraud or suspicious activities and/or transactions, the platform may hold all your account assets for a reasonable period to prevent Dtop Universal Carnival platform or any third party from assuming liability risks.


Enforcement of Legal Measures 

The Dtop Universal Carnival platform strictly adheres to national/regional legal regulations. The platform advocates that all users, supply chains, and partners strictly comply with the legal regulations of their country/region. Any behaviors of users, supply chains, or partners found to violate the legal regulations of their country or region will be considered serious violations. When necessary, the Dtop Universal Carnival platform will provide necessary user information to relevant agencies and cooperate in legal proceedings. Users, supply chains, or partners who seriously violate all the above terms will bear full legal responsibility for their illegal actions. The Dtop Universal Carnival platform will pursue their legal responsibilities within the scope permitted by law and require them to compensate for the losses caused to the Dtop Universal Carnival platform or other users or partners due to their illegal actions.

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