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Senior Front-end Engineer

Japan, Tokyo / Full-time: Remote / Frontend


● Design and build libraries and frameworks that support complex web applications, speed up development efficiency, and improve code quality

● Define and implement architecture standards and best practices

● Optimize web applications to maximize speed and scale


● No academic degree requirement, we only evaluate your technical depth

● Master of JavaScript and NodeJS, 4 years of designing and implementing JavaScript frameworks and libraries

● Deep understanding of the underlying mechanism of popular UI rendering frameworks, such as React or Vue

● Deep understanding of Web performance optimization and error monitoring

● Mastership and proven trackable record in either of the following areas (the more the better):

  1.  Developing toolkits to improve frontend dev efficiency and quality, deep understanding of esbuild, Webpack, Parcel, Vite, etc

  2. Master of writing and optimizing compilers and runtime for DSL

  3. Master of server-side NodeJS framework development and server-side rendering

  4. Master of Micro Frontend Management, proficient in mono-repo tools, and experienced in CICD pipelines

  5. Strong hands-on coding capabilities

Preferred qualifications:

● Your active Github/NPM portfolio

● Core developer of some popular open-source projects

● Know every line of several popular front-end frameworks or libraries

● Jack of all trades, master of multiple programming languages

Working at Dtop Universal Carnival

Dtop Universal Carnival It is a Web 3.0 business scene ecological platform that provides various types of business scene services through Internet technology, such as online retail, business travel, local life, etc. Dtop Global Carnival aims to create a convenient, stable and sustainable business scene ecosystem.

● Be a part of the world’s leading blockchain ecosystem that continues to grow and offers excellent career development opportunities

● Work alongside diverse, world-class talent in an environment where learning and growth opportunities are endless

● Tackle fast-paced, challenging and unique projects

● Work in a truly global organization, with international teams and a flat organizational structure

● Competitive salary and benefits

● Flexible working hours, remote-first, and casual work attire

Dtop Universal Carnival is committed to being an equal opportunity employer. We believe that having a diverse workforce is fundamental to our success.

Contact Us

Please leave your contact information, or contact Dtop Universal Carnival via email for further communication.

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